Using language awareness techniques to improve the level of achievement in the english skills of the students taking a master's program in education in a private university

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Universidad de Piura
The investigation has as its main objective to demonstrate if noticing or being aware of how the target language works can help students improve their learning language skills. It pretends to find the best tools to help adult students to learn another language. Likewise, it intends to contribute with ideas to help teachers who may find themselves in the same situation as the one presented in this investigation.
Inglés (Lengua) -- Métodos de enseñanza -- Perú -- Tesis inéditas, Técnicas de enseñanza -- Perú -- Tésis inéditas, Universidades privadas -- Métodos de enseñanza -- Perú -- Tesis inéditas
Lostaunau, J. (2012). Using language awareness techniques to improve the level of achievement in the english skills of the students taking a master's program in education in a private university. Tesis de Maestría en Educación con Mención en Enseñanza de inglés como Lengua Extranjera. Universidad de Piura. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Piura, Perú.